Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Outfit

Over there to the right you can see my basic wardrobe. I've been thinking a lot about my "stage look" lately. I've started adding goofy accents to my outfit bit by bit, but I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with it.

I've got a dress shirt and bow tie. I've got a ladybug bracelet. (It gets me a lot of requests for what's really a very fast design.) I've got a tip button. I've got a dolphin hat. (Not pictured.) I've got a holster for my pump. And I've got light-up kids shoes.

But what does all that add up to? Shouldn't I have some sort of set aesthetic? I mean, I'm a mish-mash, here. Instead, I could do something like:

1. I could build off the holster and be a balloon cowboy! Attach a trigger to my pump so that I can spin it on my finger, learn how to make a balloon cowboy hat, get a neckerchief or whatever, figure out what a "duster" is exactly, affect a ridiculous accent, sing about when the wind comes sweeping down the plain, etc.

2. I could do the magician look. Dress shirt, bow tie, top hat with maybe even a balloon bunny underneath. Balloon magic wand. Then I could be all flourishy. Maybe even learn some tricks.

3. I could go somewhere else entirely. Balloon pirate? I can make parrots and pirate swords, and I could always study this!:

If I keep just adding random stuff, the next steps are probably rainbow suspenders and multi-colored glasses (possibly in pastel). It won't be long before I'm past "goofy" and into "questioning my own sexuality" land.

But on the other hand... light up shoes, man. LIGHT UP SHOES. I'm just not sure I can help myself.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'd say don't go full clown. I like what you've got so far, and you're a ways from clownland.
